There is so much beauty in this world that I thought we’d share.
And even though I know you’re gone now, you are everywhere.
I’ll never see another sunrise, that doesn’t make me think of you.
And I read everyday the lists we made, of everything we were gonna do.
I know I wasn’t always easy, and though I know I let you down.
I never dreamed you’d leave me standing here, alone on our common ground.
People say every day will heal me. A little time is all I need.
But what I really need is some mercy, from all these memories.
And even you say I’ll forget you. Some other girl is gonna set me free.
But you don’t know how I love you, or even how you once loved me.
After all the words we’ve spoken, of how two will become one,
How could our bond be broken? How could we have come undone?
You could say we were two sailors, on a sea of lost and found.
With our eyes on the horizon, trying to find some ground.
But when my ship pulled up beside you, and I pleaded you to come on board,
It seems when I told you my dreams we didn’t leave much room for yours.
Early on you loved me clearly, a little later you loved me well.
All in all you loved me dearly, until finally not at all.