Goodbye Mr. Starbound, you must feel just like a fool

Judging by the roads you’ve been down on your hardwood stool

We need you like we need a rainy day

Ain’t it a long hard road from Fargo to Tennessee


It’s so crowded I can’t breathe I’m so alone

Father Time I believe has finally died

I can hear a thousand blank stares saying “Welcome to the Twilight Zone.”

And I’ll wake up tomorrow with footprints in my pride


I was drinking straight whiskey today from 1:00 to 3:00

With visions of a paycheck dancing in my mind

And I’m just glad this guitar that I hold in front of me

Is big enough to hide my heart behind


Maybe I should light this stage on fire

Or take my clothes off and sing a half step low

I’ve got a million songs to sell but I can’t find a buyer

What it would take to open their ears I’ll never know


I think I’m out of tune but I can’t tell

For two bucks a shot I’m learning how to fly

I can’t hear a note I’ve played so far but I guess that’s just as well

I think I’ll sip some Kentucky bourbon and cry