Below are a few adages that have meandered into my brain over the years.

I make no claim to offer anything here that hasn’t already

been said a thousand different ways.

The only home I've ever known is the middle of a song.

A lie cannot amend the truth but the truth can mend a lie.

I'm an introspective masochistic empathetic misanthropic agnostic extremist.

The perfect ONE is necessarily TWO.

I like people a lot I just don't like a lot of people.

Religion is like a cave. The further you go in the harder it is to get out.

Unconditional love is what happens just before two people meet.

Nothing shackles the mind more efficiently than conjecture.

I’d rather be alone alone than alone with somebody.

Listen closely or you won’t know what somebody didn’t say.

I don't like that place where down is horizontal.

The American Dream is a global nightmare.

Do cool stuff that people won't forget so when you die you're still alive.

If you get the feeling I don't like you please trust your intuition.

Judge a person when they are swimming not when they are drowning.

No love is so unrequited as the love of Nature.

I think your delusion broke my ear.

Stop trying to save the relationship you thought would save you.

Please spend next Sunday afternoon practicing with your turn signals.

Corporations have made land owner an oxymoron.

Honestly I don't know anything about God and honestly neither do you.

While my ignorance offers beautiful mysteries yours is extremely aggravating.

Your pale imitation of awareness terrifies me.

I like to hide in the beauty of a song and pretend it's me.

If a shark bites your leg off and you're not grateful please adjust your attitude.

I’ve heard the truth is within us but I'm interested in the truth that's without us.

Selfish kindness is not an oxymoron.

I hate getting caught in the middle of doing nothing.

I think the last time God listened to me She was only a child.

If you aspire to be pretty good you'll never be far from pretty bad.

I'm driving slow because I might be going to Hell.

I thought I was changing the world but the world was changing me.

Too many confuse empty headed with open minded.

Christians believe what they believe. Atheists believe what they don't believe.

It's weird how good it feels when a driver doesn't pull out in front of me.

How could I not believe in ghosts? I AM one.

I miss the days when truth and satire were easy to tell apart.

I've listened to what you know, now can you listen to what you don't know?

I wish more people understood that certain is just a fancy word for maybe.

An honest dissection of actuality will dissolve the sales pitch of patriotism.

Billionaires have more power than everybody else. Except you. The consumer.

We have forsaken planet earth to become the playground of madmen.

Please clarify which middle of the road you're standing in.

I think it's cool how listening improves my vision.

I traded my nice for real a long time ago.

Fear is the wall. Hope is the window. Courage is the door.

Be grateful for all to whom your heart is visible.

Believing is a lazy substitute for learning.

Science studies what can't be proven. Religion proves what can't be studied.

To control a society, teach the youth to be reliant.

Being an Agnostic Empath is not easy. You know nothing but feel everything.

Patriarchy is camouflage for the weakness of men.

The best teacher is the one who loves to learn.

If emotions had eyes what would they see?

I never feel really alone until people show up.

Truth always prevails so please do not impede the process.

Music is the lens through which I wish the world could see me.

Religion is a template used to design a personal deity, which is YOU.

What can you tell somebody about God that somebody didn't tell you?

Just remember, your ears are not my words.

The one who knows the most about God is the one who knows nothing about God.

Singing is like painting a song.

My theory of everything is everything is a theory.

What's cool about wings is that serving one another is the only way to fly.

Too many fools interpret God through other fools.

You are free when you feel okay with being a priority to no one.

You should have known I can’t sail on a rain drop.

By the time I finished building my boat the ocean had turned to sand.

Some third graders are very aggravating. Especially the ones who are over 40.

No collection of convenient kindnesses can equal a moment of investment.

The greatest gift I’ve ever known is to encounter the unfamiliar.

Nothing skews truth quite like believing.

Living alone would be great if I wasn’t around all the time.

My father left me before I was born and came back after he died.

Dying is probably like other things I look back on and wish I hadn't done.

Intelligent sorrow radiates strength and beauty. Ignorant joy is just plain ugly.

When I meet a person who doesn't like me I wonder who benefits the most.